Oh I Get It!

My Jerusalem Cross

Oh What a Tangled Cross We Wear: Jewelry and Other Issues

This little necklace is a symbol of my faith, in a lot more ways than one! Continue Reading...

The Pink Reminder

A Terrycloth Reminder: Lessons From a Pink Washcloth

Who knew that a simple bathroom linen could teach me such a valuable lesson? Continue Reading...

Asking for Directions

Directions for Getting Lost: One Simple Little Wrong Turn

When it comes to navigating my way around town, I'm all over the map! Continue Reading...

Facing the Truth

The Devil You Don't Say!: And Other Words to Eliminate

Here’s how the title of a game show became a rule to live by. Continue Reading...

I just Knew it would fit

I’m Ready for Anything, Eventually: The Ins and Outs of Planning Ahead

Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail. Plan to read this article without fail. Continue Reading...

In black and white

Such a Worm as I: At times like these I feel like a total wreck!

Sometimes when I feel least deserving, that's when I receive the sweetest mercy. Continue Reading...

Is He Kidding?

Drop and Give Me Twenty!: The Discipline of Discipline

You wouldn't believe the shape I'm in these days. What I need is a little spiritual boot camp! Continue Reading...

A Wirehead's Paradise

Spaghetti Prayers: The Higgledy-Piggledy Path From My Lips to God’s Ears

I must not be wired for direct communication. It's a good thing God can straighten out my jumbled prayers! Continue Reading...

Just Cooling Off

Jumping In With Both Grassy Feet: Two approaches to summertime fun

When it comes to wading pools there are two schools of thought. I choose the fun one! Continue Reading...

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