Childlike Wisdom

Rock Paper Scissors

The Solution to All World Conflict: Rock, Paper, Scissors of Course!

Who knew a simple little game could have such a far-reaching impact? Continue Reading...

Ignoring that still, small voice

Of My Own Choosing: Deciding Which Way to Turn

Life is a series of choices. Making the right one isn’t always easy. Continue Reading...

Spring Recital Day!

Practice Makes Perfect Sense: Shedding some light on a dark situation

Who knew a simple piano recital would end up being a performance of courage? Continue Reading...

Aidan thought it was wonderful!

Hidden Treasure!: Here’s a prize that’s really worth seeking!

Shiver me timbers! Untold riches are right under me feet! Continue Reading...

Tipping the Scales

Monkey Business Sense: Going Ape Over the Right Investments

Solomon may have been wise, but one of his investments sure has me scratching my head. Continue Reading...

My Own Contribution to Easter Sunday

Oh I Could Write a Sonnet!: About my Easter bonnet, and my Easter gloves

As a little girl I was never more completey decked out than on Easter Sunday morning. I was an outfit that just screamed for accessories! Continue Reading...

Aidan knows the secret!

Open Wide Your Mouth: A Hearty Appetite for Blessings

I know God wants me to know the fullness of His blessings. Why am I so reluctant to receive them? Continue Reading...

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