As I See It

Engaging with our TV

The History of Interactive Television: Rules of Engagement

In my case, watching TV has never been a passive activity. Continue Reading...

Pleading My Case

No Exemptions – No Exceptions!: Playing by the Rules

When it comes to the challenges of life, unlike some sports teams, real women can't just “sit this one out!” Continue Reading...


No Thanks to You: Dealing with Compliments

Flattery will get you everything, except a simple “thank you.” Continue Reading...

Open Wide!

Inci”dental” Reflections: An Oral History

By gum – this is one dentistry tale you can really sink your teeth into! Continue Reading...

A Daunting Challenge

Stand Facing Whatever: A Square-One Approach to Any Problem

Here's how a cookbook author inspired me to tackle my everyday challenges. Continue Reading...

My own design

Give It a Rest: The Pause That More Than Refreshes

Who knew that learning to read music would teach me so much about life? Continue Reading...

On hold

My “To Do (Without)” List: Getting Rid of the Stuff that Bugs Me

I’ve decided to simplify my life by a process of elimination. Continue Reading...

A lack of focus

Distracted Everything!: May I Have Your Attention Please?

Talk about a lack of focus! My whole life should be a No Phone Zone! Continue Reading...

My Badge of Honor

When It Comes to Sales, This is One Smart Cookie!: Scouting Around for the Perfect Solution

Forget self-help books and fancy seminars. Everything I need to know about sales I learned from the Girl Scouts. Continue Reading...

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